Dried Fruit Beetle

Quick Stats

  • Latin Name: Carpophilus hemipterus
  • Size: Very small, about 3mm in length
  • Color: Black in color with two amber spots on the wing covers
  • Shape: Not including the shape of the wing they form a perfect oval
  • Found in: Many U.S. states, most notably in California, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania or in other states where fruit is a large commodity.
  • Overview: Dried Fruit Beetles (sometimes written as “Driedfruit Beetles”) are also referred to as Sap Beetles because of their affinity for tree sap. They can be found in both fresh, ripe fruits and stored dry fruits.

About the Dried Fruit Beetle

Dried fruit beetles love nothing more than plant juices. Their name is actually a misnomer because though they’re usually stored and transported through dried fruit they typically begin an infestation by infiltrating ripe, on-the-vine fruit. They’re not particular about which kind of fruit to infest but they’re commonly found in figs, dates, and raisins, but they’ve also been found in everything from peaches to bananas to nuts. Not only do fruit beetles ruin a fruit crop, they can also infect the plants with nasty bacterial and fungal diseases.

These beetles prefer warm weather and larvae can hatch and mature to the adult stage within about 2-3 weeks in very hot weather. They begin by laying eggs directly on the fruit itself then when hatched, the larvae burrow into the fruit to feed. These pests are typically found outdoors, in gardens and orchards, but they make their way inside in dried fruit and search out alternative food sources from there.

Facts About Dried Fruit Beetles

The first sign of a dried fruit beetle problem is usually the appearance of adult beetles crawling among plants and fruit. It’s important to regularly inspect your fruit if you have fruit trees or fruit-flowering plants and also to inspect all fruit you bring home from the store for signs of small insect holes or bugs. If any fruit has fallen from fruit trees on your property be sure to promptly throw it away to avoid all kinds of pests from feeding on it.

Because these bugs can spread dangerous diseases not only to fruit plants but to humans themselves it’s important to avoid them at all costs. If you think you may have a home or garden infestation of dried fruit beetles call your local pest control operator right away for identification and a comprehensive elimination plan. Like all beetle species, dried fruit beetles only get worse over time without proper treatment so acting fast is key.

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